Not only do all the bags look good, they are extremely functional. I always have one of the fold up bags in my handbag, the rucksack can hold a huge amount of objects and the zip bags are really eye catching, yet useful. The fact that they are made from recycled bottles is genius and helping to save our endangered planet.
I have used various reusable bags and the Kind Bags I have are, by far, the best quality! They’re sturdy and hold up to everything I fill the with. I highly recommend these bags!
Lovely colour and holds a lot… will be very useful for lunches at work.
Love this as the next phase change bag for my 3 year old. And is also one I have used for myself a couple of times
I absolutely love this lunchbox bag. It is colourful, fun, super comfortable and worth every penny.
I highly recommend it.💚