Beat the Blues with Some Happy Eco News!
Ready to finish the month on high?
We know that tackling climate change can sometimes feel like a daunting task, but don't fret! We're here to brighten up your day with some Happy Eco News to keep your eco-spirit soaring!
April was filled with some seriously amazing eco-happenings that will put a smile on your face. From animal welfare to big wins for our planet, it's time to celebrate our victories, no matter how big or small they may be!
The historic overhunting of artic foxes had left numbers at an all time low, with less than 1,300 adults left.
Thanks to unique adaptations and government protections, the Iceland Arctic Foxes are thriving and living their best lives!
Currently around 8,000 artic foxes roam Iceland. When we think about the influence humans have on the natural world, we nearly almost underestimate our influence. By recognising the damage humans have done to other species, we are able to take measurable actions to improve the wellbeing of other animals.
Looking back, it might seem obvious that stopping overhunting would lead to the recovery of a vulnerable species, but in reality, it's not always easy to make that decision, especially in communities where income is scarce and hunting is a means of survival for families. But success stories like that of the Icelandic Arctic fox is proof that our efforts do make a difference. It shows that with determination and action, we can help animals bounce back from the edge of extinction.
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Australia has passed new laws that put a cap on oil and gas emissions. The breakthrough legislation means that oil refineries and coal mines must cut down their emissions by 4.9% each year.
The law will apply to over 215 industrial polluters and is the first time emission reductions have been written into Australian law.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated that the so-called safeguard mechanism will set Australia on a “realistic” path to net zero by 2050.
Available from October, the Royal British Legion will launch its new plastic-free poppy made 100% from paper. The poppies have been in development for three years and will no longer have that plastic stem or centre- yay!
50% of the paper it is made from has been created from the waste used in the production of coffee cups, with the rest being made from a blend of renewable fibres. The change comes after green campaigners called for the poppies to be fully biodegradable, with valid concerns that millions would end up in the landfill after Remembrance Sunday.
The UK is exploring a potential ban on plastic wet wipes. With a plan to tackle water pollution the UK government is launching a public consultation on whether or not to ban plastic wet wipes.
With news of some retails such as Boots and Tesco already stopping selling them in favour of biodegradable alternatives, there is hope that the law will be passed. A recent report from Water UK, showed that 93% off sewer blockages were caused by plastic wet wipes, costing over £100 million a year to clean up.
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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently announced a ban on single-use plastic items, including everything from cutlery to cigarette butts. This significant step is aimed at reducing the staggering amount of plastic waste that ends up in our oceans, estimated to be around 8 million tonnes each year.
Businesses in the UAE have already taken action, replacing plastic straws with paper or metal alternatives, and providing refillable bottles to customers. The immediate environmental benefits of the UAE's ban on single-use plastics are clear, reducing plastic waste in the ocean, protecting marine life, and mitigating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from plastic degradation.
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The first cheetah cubs in India have been born since their extinction 70 years ago! The country has been on a mission for a while to reintroduce cheetahs, having brought over 8 of them from Namibia last year. Last month they also bought over 12 more cheetahs from from South Africa.
The four adorable cubs were born in Kuno National Park wildlife sanctuary to one of the females that came from Namibia.
Cheetahs became officially extinct in India back in 1952 with dwindling numbers due to hunting, habitat loss, and a lack of prey. However they still thrive in other parts of the world - mainly in Africa, like South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana. T
he Asiatic cheetah is critically endangered and only found in Iran, where there are thought to be about 50 left. Globally
cheetahs are listed as "vulnerable" on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species so these four new additions are an adorable step in the right direction!